The Moana Collection First Look

Releasing The Moana Collection today was definitely one of my proudest moments ever with Painted by the Shore.  I put my heart into our new tropical designs, along with my favorite colors- pink & green! 

You know by now that we at PS are HUGE coastal lovers, & shifting that inspiration from our beaches in New England to the warmer south & west shores of the U.S. took research.  I learned more about different types of sea grass, coral, palm trees & tropical blooms than I ever dreamed; something that left me grateful that designing this collection led to the opportunity to educate myself.

Moana means ocean in Hawaii, & I stumbled upon the word while searching for synonyms for "sea". The second I saw "Moana" pop up I knew it was the noun I'd been searching for.  And thus The Moana Collection, our first launch of 2017, was born.

Even through we just officially shared the Spring collection this afternoon I'm already brainstorming for 3 other releases in 2017.  The creative juices just won't stop flowing & I'm not one to slow that down!  Get ready for an a-ma-zing year.  I personally can't wait.

Pop over to our shop HERE, check out the collection & comment below to let us know what you think!

Happy Thursday friends! - Kristina

Paint & Sip... Coffee!

Looking for something fun to warm up your winter?  Check out my FIRST EVER painting class happening in JUST 2 WEEKS!  I couldn't be more excited to be teaming up with D'Andrea Group to put this on.  Space is limited so email me ( to lock in your spot today (& take advantage of that 20% off before the 22nd!).


Photo via @fittwotravel on Instagram.

One of my favorite things about Painted by the Shore is seeing photos of our pieces after they leave the studio.  When they reach their destination with our customers & are put to use- glasses filled with wine in front of the fireplace, salt & pepper shakers on the table, totes at the farmer's market & (in this case) sand keepsake bottles on the beach.

Our sand keepsake bottles started as a request from a retailer in Cape Cod (one of our favorite vacation spots!).  Their shop was looking for a souvenir that their customer could use to take a bit of the beach home with them.  

That first order inspired a half dozen nautical designs.  Which in turn led me to start making bottles for events in our own lives- a place to store the sand I'd been saving from our wedding day & honeymoon (coincidentally in Cape Cod, are you noticing a trend?) & now one for our baby's first vacation coming up this summer.

Filling our own bottles was so much fun, & having them on display at home brings back sweet memories every time I walk by that bookshelf.  I can't wait to fill Cooper's on his first trip once the weather warms up!

Thanks for stopping by & I'd love to hear your go to vacation spot with baby (bonus points if it's on the East Coast near us!).

Welcome to our new site!

Hi!  My name is Kristina & I'm the founder & designer of Painted by the Shore (PS) &amp. I'm so glad you're here.

If you know me, you know I love art.  It's one of my biggest passions, along with writing, & has been for my whole life.  Some of my fondest memories of childhood include crafting with my mother & using my imagination to create things & play games with my Grandfather.  

Drawing inspiration from everyday life & living on the Connecticut shoreline I founded Painted by the Shore (PS) in April of 2013 (nearly 4 years ago, I can hardly believe it!).  At the time I was a 40 hour a week Corporate Accountant in need of a creative outlet.

Since then PS has grown into more than I could have imagined that spring.  Leading me to leave the corporate world for my home studio.

I am constantly amazed when customers share stories of how our pieces brought joy to them or to their friends & family as gifts.  It warms my heart beyond words.

All of our painting is still done locally in my hometown of Branford CT & we source as many supplies as possible from other small businesses around the United States.

Be sure to pop in our Etsy Shop & follow us on Instagram for behind the scenes photos, the occasional giveaway & a look into my life which inspires every piece of art that you see leave our home.
